Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rockaway Free Concert 2009!

Been emo-ing for the past few weeks and suddenly Linz sms me. "Wanna go to a concert?", yea sure! Of course!! Better than staying alone doing nothing but sleep and syok sendiri playing PC. This is the 2nd time I'hv been to a concert...the first time I wasnt even sure it was even a 'concert'. The concert is called Rockaway 2009 and its also a local concert. Yea I noe, the word 'local' doesnt really triggers any spectacular feelings...not really expecting much bout it. More expecting into meeting Linz, HAHahahaha!

It was held in Dang Dung Damn Wangi whtever the place name was it was stills stupid. The person that named the place even more stupid-er. There were more malays than chinese at the concert. Making us felt like a total ODD people in it. Free drinks and snacks were provided....but mostly at the entrance, the other stalls in the corner were charged.

The local bands performing are better than I anticipated to be, groups like Estranged, Bunkface and The Times really rocked!! The concert started at around 2pm and end around 7pm. But we went back at 6 cuz its dam tiring and not to mention the crowd's tossing water bottles, shoes, free givaways like mad. Its a nice experience though, changed how I looked upon our local bands.

Too bad Angie and Albert wasnt there to enjoy it, Hehehe. Thx Linz for bringing me there~

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Oh Great....SHYT!!

Its only the 3rd week and the assignments are pilling up. Slowly getting to know my coursemates which is good but something occured to the first few person I befriended with.

There is a girl particular talkative to me at the first then sudden change of attitude towards me.
Here the story goes~

In one morning juz finished the first class, since there is another 3 hours to the next class we decided to go to the library. Surprised to see my class rap (leader, monitor or whtever you call it) with her assistant. So we sat together getting to know each other when she(class rap) asked about if I have a gf or i said im single and not really into a relationship rite now (cuz Im still tryin to adapt KL hectic lifestyle). Then we chat around kiddingly until I said "you are beautiful, friendly and smart sure have many people queue up trying to get you". The girl(one I meantioned didnt show any obvious change ..yet) and then I offered to help both girls to take their stuffs cuz they were carrying stacks of books...of course as a normal person without bringing anything would help. The class rap accepts but the girl doesnt (starts showing signs of rejection).

The next day, she started ignoring me. Going to lunch wif her own set of friends and I tried talking to her whats going on but she juz coldly reply me. I tried talking to her face to face to get a clear understanding what is going on but she dun even give a damn bout it. Great!! This happens when I started to adapt. Talked ith a few friends and what they say was =>

"You tink too much" (Yeah..maybe)
"You made her jealous" (I didnt compare those two at all)
"You hurt her feelings" (As I said, no comparison made)
"She assume you were a playboy" (Maybe some will tink that way but I was obviously joking around)
"Maybe she likes you and you compliment other girls" (Oh no...this is bad)

Why do these things happen to me when Im juz starting to adapt...sigh.
The best thing was we are in the same assignment group and she does the assignment already without telling me. I heard cases where some girls in Kl would do that juz to get you flunked. Hopefully shes not that kinda person.....oh gawd!!!! Cant even have a moment of peace. To those who tinks KL was a better place to study...think a few more times again.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Final Decision

Finally decided to move back Kampar but during the process....crapped!! Even the two and onli tourism students in Kampar also 'shifted' to Hotel Management....Great!!! Juz a day or two thinking of wht decision to make and this happens.

So im stucked at KL campus for now and forced to shift to Hotel too....Its not a bad thing but...Hotel is not really my major. Even learned some subjects thats really confusing. Met some nice people that chatted wif me. So I guess im gonna be stuck with this course with mixed feelings.

Lets see what happens next. Oh yeah! Met Albert from Maple story, huge difference wif the real person and photo. Planning to be his roomie after i settle things from the previous staying place.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

At KL...finnaly...but...

Well, I was excited when i got to KL, Did a lot of preperations with the help of some friends. It was fun and everything was new to me like the way to find rooms for rent and places to go and honestly most ppl onli offering those rooms for females plus the signboards at KL, unbelievable. Its more like a hell of a maze! ASSS!!!!

Went to looks for the room available, some cheap but 'bloody' frightening. One of them have blood on the walls, darn....the room was perfect and the rent is cheap summore. I mean for a room in busy area like this. Finally gotten a room which was nice but quite expensive plus parking within the condo/apartment needs additional money and seriously if this continue any longer my dad have to sell my car since he lost his job bout misfortune but somehow we will manage it through said my dad. Thanks to TKN for helping me to move the stuffs to the 18th floor. My housemate? One of them is friendly but the another was a 'psycho' or 'anti-social'. He walks around the living room dunno for wht for hours, pull's my lan cable claiming that the internet is his alone, eats alone and ignores greetings. Juz my kind of day! Can it get any worse?! Well thats juz the beginning!!!

Travelling from my place to TARC takes 10 min, but walking to the classes from the entrance? 20 min!!! Its fuckedup I tell ya, some classes even located in UTAR's block!! MADNESS!!!! The 1st day I took an hour to find my block with the scorching sun and the walking distance you can guess it that Im 'swimming' in my own sweats. Much better excersize then mountain hiking.
The 1st week was horrible, in the most classes im in...Im the only person in my course. DARN!!! I was telling myself give it a few more days then we'll see what happens next. Week 2 which is this good news even worse came...the admin confirmed it that this batch advance in tourism students admission..onli one and in Kampar....two. GREAT!!! thats what i needed to 'spice' up my life. Having Mixed feelings, a part of me is demotivated and dissapointed but part of me felt glad becuz im gonna save money and my car plus meet back my old friends in kampar.

And now, im here at a random cyber cafe blogging bout how worse can life in KL be....all the things I did now was almost pointless. In the end, im still going back to Kampar.....sigh

Need to figure a way to move my stuffs without troubleing other people and need to settle things wif the landlord. So much to do I dont even noe how to catch up when i reach back to kampar. I have to do the accomodation things again. Sigh, this is really not my year.